terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012


Curiosa lista de filmes em ordem alfabética e cronológica.
Rafael Morais
17 de janeiro de 2012.

O designer inglês Stephen Wildish, conhecido por suas ilustrações minimalistas e sua mania de organização, resolveu pegar alguns filmes clássicos e outros bem trashes das décadas de 1960 a 2000 e coloca-los em ordem alfabética. A série, batizada de “Film Alphabet” é um desafio visual para quem curte cinema de todas as épocas:

Gabarito dos anos 60:
Alfie, Barbarella, Cool Hand Luke, Dr. Strangelove, Easy Rider, For a Few Dollars More, Graduate, Help, In the Heat of the Night, Jason and the Argonauts, Kes, Lolita, Mary Poppins, Nutty Professor, One Million Years B.C., Planet of the Apes, Queen Greenhead, Rosemary’s Baby, Sound of Music, True Grit, Unforgiven, Viva Las Vegas, Where Eagles Dare, X: The Man With X-Ray Eyes, You Only Live Twice, Z;

Apocalipse Now, Blacula, Clockwork Orange, Deliverance, Enter The Dragon, Fidller on The Roof, Get Carter, Harold and Maude, Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS, Jaws, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Logan’s Run, Mad Max,National Lampoon’s Animal House, One Flew over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Poseidon Adventure, Quadrophenia, Rocky, Shaft, Taxi Driver, Up In Smoke, Vanishing Point, Westworld, X, Y and Zee, Yanks, Zulu Dawn;

Airplane!, Back to the Future, Coming to America, Dirty Dancing, E.T. – The Extraterrestrial, Flight of the Navigator, Ghostbusters, Honey I Shrunk the, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Karate Kid, Labyrinth, Mannequin, Nightmare on Elm Street, Octopussy, Princess Bride, Q: The Winged Serpent, Rambo, Short Circuit, Teen Wolf, Untouchables, Vice Versa, Weird Science, Xanadu, Young Blood, Zelig;

Austin Powers, Bodyguard, Cool Runnings, Dumb And Dumber, Edward Scissorhands, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Ghost, Home Alone, Interview with The Vampire, Junior, Kingpin, Look Who’s Talking, Men In Black, Nutty Professor, Outbreak, Pulp Fiction, Quiz Show, Rocketeer, Speed, Trainspotting, Usual Suspects, Very Bad Things, Wayne’s World, X-Files, You’ve Got Mail, Zelig;

Amelie, Brokeback Mountain, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Devil Wears Prada, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Flags of Our Fathers, Gangs of New York, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Illusionist, Juno, Kill Bill, Lord of The Rings, Meet The Parents, Napoleon Dynamite, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Phone Booth, Queen, Road to Perdition, Shaun of the Dead, Team America: World Police, Unbreakable, V for Vendetta, Wrestler, X-Men, Y Tu Mamá También, Zoolander

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